Data Subject Request Form

The protection of your personal data is important to Acai Travel and we are committed to ensuring that your privacy rights are respected. Please visit our privacy centre for learning more.

The information we request from you below is strictly for the purpose of enabling us to process your request and will be processed in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Please select the source of the personal data collection -

If you wish to provide us any additional information that you believe can assist us in the processing of your request, please add those details below. For example, please let us know if you are making an information request, access request, deletion request, etc.

Certain aspects of this data subject request are reserved for residents of certain jurisdictions. By submitting this form, you attest to the following:

I attest under penalty of perjury that I am a resident of the jurisdiction I have specified in this submission form or I am an authorized agent submitting this request on behalf of such resident in the jurisdiction specified.

I understand that after submitting this request, a verification email may be sent to confirm the request and the email address specified in such request and if so, Acai Travel may require that it receives a response from that email address with “I approve” (or in the case of a request on behalf of an individual, you must attach written proof that you have been authorized by the individual) in order for my request to be processed.

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